Wednesday, October 7, 2009


There's a building consensus among journalists that Michael Ignatieff needs to present some major ideas if he wants to reverse his slide in the polls. ''The opposition needs bold economic ideas, not copycat Harperism,'' write Jeffrey Simpson of the Globe and Mail. ''To be a credible alternative, the Liberals need to be fearless''.

It's funny, but I seem to recall a certain Stéphane Dion presenting as fearless, innovative, and visionary a plan as anyone could have asked for. It was called, if you recall, the Green Shift.

The Green Shift didn't do Stéphane Dion much good, did it. Actually, it was used by the Conservative attack machine to cement Dion's image as an out of touch academic, an image that the media was only too happy to sustain.

So, dear Michael Ignatieff, if you want to avoid Dion's fate, stick to your current strategy. Present ideas, certainly, but keep them vague. And this above all: to the media's hypocrisy be true.

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