Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Conservative Transparency

The Ministry of Public Safety headed by Stockwell Day has just taken partisanship to a new level by posting the following comments on its Website:

“At a time when the Opposition Parties are being soft on security and soft on terrorism, Canada’s New Government remains unwavering in its determination to safeguard national security and is committed to working with all its partners to protect the safety and security of Canadians”

Here’s my question: How on earth can Canadians trust their Ministry of Public Safety if it posts partisan comments on its website. The answer is simple: They can’t!

Public servants are supposed to be completely non-partisan; this is one of the pillars of democracy. Yet they decided to join the Conservative Party in its frenetic Liberal-bashing dance!

First we get the Conservatives appointing their friends to the judge selection panel, then we get General Rick Hillier keeping his job after having criticized the Liberal’s handling of the defense portfolio, and now we get this! For a party that boast about its transparency, this is pathetic.

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