Friday, April 20, 2007

Sack O’Connor NOW

I’m not saying that the mission in Afganistan is wrong, but if Harper wants to have any chance of selling it to Canadians, he better get rid of his incompetent Defence Minister: General O’Connor.

Once you’re finished reading these quotes, you’ll agree.

Mr. Speaker, our soldiers are the best equipped in NATO. Other nations come to see our equipment and they admire the equipment we have. We have provided the very best equipment to our soldiers.

Great, we are best equipped country in NATO. Even the US Army can't match our firepower!

…or not: “we are committed to rebuilding the armed forces and providing our soldiers, sailors and airmen in Afghanistan with all the equipment they need to survive and to be safe.”

"The president of the Red Cross also said that basically our procedures are absolutely spotless. He's quite pleased with what we do with prisoners."

Oooops, the Red Cross has a well known policy of not telling governments anything about the prisoners it treats. Michael Ignatieff even wrote a chapter about it in one of his books! The Liberals will obviously guess that this was a lie.

Sure enough, a few weeks later: "I fully and without reservation apologize to the House for providing inaccurate information for members."

Get the message Mr. Harper? Sack him. Even your personal taxpayer funded stylist wouldn’t be able to make you look that good!

1 comment:

Kudou Nari said...

It's funny how that happens, eh? Some of those quotes just make it feel so predictable..