Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bill Graham Has Resigned

I guess this is more of a news article than a blog post, but this is an important story.

Bill Graham, Liberal MP for Toronto Center has just announced his retirement from politics. Aside from marking the end of the political career of a very special Canadian and perfect gentleman, his departure, along with that of fellow MPs Lucienne Robillard and has announced she will not run in the next election, marks the end of an era for the Liberal party, as well a new beginning under Dion.

Graham served both as Minister of Defense and of Foreign Affairs, as well acting as interim Leader of the Liberal Party and Leader of the Oppostition during the period between the last election and the December convention. Aside from Irwin Cotler, who is also expected to step aside at the next election, he and Robillard are the last Liberal heavyweights left over from the Chretien years.

Though his departure will clearly represent a loss for the House of Commons, in a way, it will do some good to the Liberal party, which will resemble even less the old party which Canadians grew to hate. To add to the drama, Bob Rae will likely make his entry into the House in the next few months as he has won the nomination for Graham’s riding, which is a Liberal stronghold.

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