Monday, December 15, 2008

The Eyes Of The Press

In less that one week since becoming Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff has transformed the party's fortunes and given Stephen Harper real cause for concern.

...So says the press.

Maybe it's true, who knows. But maybe it isn't. There's no way of finding out.

The press chooses the truth and determines what we should and shouldn't know. They can decide whether a politician is confident or arrogant, intelligent or calculating, strong or vindictive. They create the images, and we have no way of verifying them.

The press obviously loves Michael Ignatieff. For all I know, he may be very lovable. He's certainly articulate and hold quite the resume. But that's all I can be certain of.

In the past five days, virtually every columnist in the country (even some at the National Post) has written a piece endorsing Michael Ignatieff. Not one says anything new. There's no insight or analysis, other than telling us that they think Michael Ignatieff would make a good Prime Minister.

Once again, maybe the journalists are right. I supported Ignatieff in the Liberal leadership race, and I don't see any reason to believe that he wouldn't be a great Prime Minister. But the power of the press is truly scary. They write the laws, and control everything we know.

The press killed Stéphane Dion. It wasn't the Conservative ads, nor his ambitious colleagues , nor money. Much in the same way, they may crown Ignatieff.

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