Friday, January 26, 2007

Stéphane, You Can Do Better Than That!

One of the key factors that led liberal delegates to pick Stéphane Dion over front-runner Michael Ignatieff was no doubt Ignatieff’s apparent lack of political judgment. His Quana dithering and his move to recognize Québec as a nation made him a risky bet for delegates, who understood all too well the importance of keeping the party out of controversy. Dion was an experienced politician, a man of principle and integrity who could help the party move on from the sponsorship scandal.

But wait a minute…

Yesterday, Mr. Dion suggested lifting the lifetime ban on party membership imposed by Paul Martin on former Québec Campaign Manager Marc-Yvon Côté, who distributed $120 000 in cash to twelve Québec liberal candidates. Mr. Dion stated that a lifetime ban on Mr. Côté was perhaps too severe.

You’re joking Stéphane, right? Weren’t you supposed to be turning the page on the sponsorship scandal? Allowing this guy back into the party certainly isn’t the way to go about it.

Talk about a massive screw-up, I don’t even think Iggy could have pulled that one off.

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