Friday, August 24, 2007


Thank god for YouTube.

Earlier this week, a video of the Montebello Summit protests was posted on YouTube, where it was noticed that a trio of particularly violent rock-throwing protesters who seemed to be egging on violence were wearing Sureté du Québec boots. The police force originally denied all involvement in the incident, but has now been forced by YouTube evidence into admitting the existence of “undercover agents but not provocateurs”. The only thing left to explain is why those “agents” were throwing rocks.

The Ministry of Public Safety, led by Minister Stockwell Day, has also chosen to downplay the incident, and has repeatedly refused calls for a public inquiry. Day is also claiming that "The thing that was interesting in this particular incident, three people in question were spotted by protesters because were not engaging in violence,". I guess that neither he nor his department have much of a choice, but they’ve both demonstrated that they haven’t quite gotten that new media thing.

They can deny involvement, they can manipulate facts, but regardless of what they do, the truth is only one click away.

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