Thursday, May 31, 2007

The NDP Is Back

The NDP has finally gotten back to defending left leaning Canadians in a positive and constructive style. It took time, but they’re finally back.

I can tell you that we missed them, and I’m not saying that as a left-winger –I’m not one-. The fact simply is that Canada benefits from having a balanced parliament, and with a Conservative government and a weak NDP, we were starting to see some legislation pass through Commons without proper debate (recent criminal-code amendments…). Now that the party has finally come back, we’re less likely to see those sorts of things happen.

So what’s changed in the NDP?

Well, there are a number of things actually. Most importantly, they’ve finally quit the useless Dion-bashing in which they had engaged following the Liberal convention. One couldn’t really blame them for wanting to attack Dion, because his political positions clearly posed a much more direct threat to the NDP than, say, Michael Ignatieff’s. But it was costing them the positive and constructive party image which they had worked so hard to build.

They also seem to have made an effort to ditch some of their interventionist ideology which was putting a few people, including myself, off. They haven’t turned into to the Blair Labour quite yet, but they’re certainly looking much more rational.

Somewhat less importantly, Jack Layton’s French has just dramatically improved, he’s really made a major breakthrough. That really doesn’t matter in the traditional Anglophone NDP ridings, but if they want to make up inevitable Ontario seat losses to the Liberals, a minor Quebec breakthrough may be necessary. And with their new star candidate Thomas Mulcair, who knows, they might get a seat. After all, Quebec is pretty left-wing, and if the Conservative can win seats there, why not the NDP?

I don’t know what this will turn into. Will they gain seats, will they loose less, it’s up to you to decide. But all things put aside, it’s nice to finally have an effective NDP and a balanced parliament.

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